Engagement Photos on a Fall Day at Piedmont Park

Engagement Photos on a Fall Day at Piedmont Park

As an Atlanta wedding photography studio, we love it when we get the opportunity to photograph locations that truly represent Atlanta!  We had such a blast capturing these Piedmont Park engagement photos with Meredith & Greg.  I cannot say enough good things about what a positive vibe these two radiated throughout their engagement session.  It was such a pleasure to work with this amazing couple.  Below is a quick interview with the Most Fun Loving Couple of 2016, Meredith & Greg!

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How did you meet?

Bride: We were set up by a mutual friend at his birthday party.  I thought he was adorable and super handsome. I was a bit weary because he was wearing a “Keep Calm and Chive On” T-shirt. We chatted briefly and there was definitely an attraction.

Groom: My good friend’s fiance introduced us. We had met and then went on a double date to Hudson Grille. She obviously was very attractive and had a demeanor that was fun. Her jokes and playful spirit had me laughing all night. There certainly were sparks flying after our first date.


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How/ when did you start dating?  What attracted you most to each other?

Bride: Looks for sure, we went on a few double dates in the following weeks but our first solo date was at Sweetwater Brewery. I was super nervous!!!

Groom: She, of course, is beautiful and I certainly recognized that at first sight. But for me, her personality is what drew me in. Her ability to have fun in any situation and quick wit are very attractive. We started dating shortly after being introduced. Was I nervous? Absolutely. She is a gorgeous, funny and intelligent woman. Who wouldn’t be?


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Tell me about your relationship.  Were you nervous about one another meeting your family? Who said I love you first?

Bride: He is my biggest support system, no questions asked. He knows everything about everything and makes me a better person every single day. He also makes me laugh every single day. He holds me accountable and pushes me to use logic and keeps me calm during times of stress. I wasn’t nervous for him to meet my family, I knew they would love him just as much as I do. We disagree on who said it first, but I will back down, he said I love you first. I was beyond thrilled to hear it.

Groom: It’s hard to put in to words exactly what makes Meredith different. When I’m with her, nothing else matters. I constantly find myself smiling or laughing, sometimes for no apparent reason. We have fun together regardless of what we are doing, and I couldn’t imagine life without her. I was not nervous about her meeting my family, however I was nervous to meet her parents. As all parents do, they quite clearly love their daughter very much, and it was important for me to show them that I cherish her just as much as they do. I said I love you first after she came home from an out of town trip. After the words were said, I felt so good and it was just the beginning of our story.


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When did you know this person was the one?

Bride: I knew he was the one when we were driving to Jacksonville to visit his best friend and I found Mickey Avalon on his ipod. It was a slow realization, but I feel like it was something that I knew for a very long time, since the day I met him. It’s overwhelmingly terrifying and wonderful when you realize that you don’t want to live your life the same way ever again. He was a game changer.

Groom: I’m not sure that it was one single event, but a collection of all times spent together that led me to know that she was the one. It seemed every day was amazing and my love got stronger. However once it had built up, it hit me like a freight train. I knew she was the one I wanted to start a family with and I felt like a million bucks.


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How did the engagement happen? Did everything go as planned?

Bride: Engagement happened July 9th at Piedmont Park. As far as I know, everything went as planned. First person I told was my mom, but she already knew. I had no idea it was coming that day, there had been many times before that I thought, this is it, and it wasn’t. As soon as he grabbed my hand I knew what was happening and I kept saying “Oh my God, Oh my God, It’s happening, it’s happening” and tried to keep myself from collapsing.

Groom: Engagement happened as described, Piedmont Park. I arranged for us and some friends to “walk the dogs” in the park, and then I would propose at a predetermined spot by one of the lakes, and our friends would photograph it. I also arranged for our friends and family that lived in Atlanta to meet us at Park Tavern for a surprise brunch. Everything went as planned with no hiccups, but it couldn’t have been done without the help of friends and family. There was extreme nervousness leading up to asking, which intensified as we got closer to the “spot” I was going to ask her. I’m not sure whether or not she had an idea it was coming, but she seems genuinely surprised. However, she had been terrorizing me for a few months about it prior to.

Last Questions!  What’s the one thing about each other you couldn’t live without?

Bride: Everything.

Groom: I could not live with out her.

Want to see more? Click here for more Piedmont Park Engagement Photos.

Elegant Wedding Photos at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center

Elegant Wedding Photos at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center

Eun & Cris’ wedding yesterday was nothing short of spectacular.  If you’re looking for Callanwolde wedding photos, look no further!  Providing Atlanta wedding photography to couples throughout the city, we LOVE working at venues as amazing as Callanwolde.  Even though this wedding took place in what was technically fall weather, it definitely still felt like summer time in Georgia!  We started off the day with getting ready photos in the groom & bridal suites at the venue.  There were pre-wedding beers, an exchanging of bride and groom letters, and nervous giggles all around.  After the first look, we got to create some AMAZING imagery around Callanwolde, taking full advantage of the stained glass window at the top of the grand staircase.  We then proceeded to the outdoors ceremony area for family photos.  They had simple, yet elegant outdoor ceremony decor and a gorgeous summer time color palette!  We even had a chance to run around the gardens behind the venue for some more romantic outdoor pictures.  We love it whenever we have the opportunity to capture greenery in any Atlanta wedding photography wedding.  At the indoor ballroom reception, we witnessed perhaps one of the best wedding brass bands we have ever come across!  Cannot say enough good things about how much positive energy this band radiated.  Interactive, high energy, and got the whole reception hall on their feet!  Overall, Cris & Eun had an amazing time surrounded by great friends, loving family, and an awesome team to put it all together.  By far the best Callanwolde wedding photos we’ve done to date. 😉  Below we’ve included some highlights of the day and an interview with the bride!

Getting Ready Photos at Callanwolde

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How did the two of you meet? What were your first impressions? Was it love at first sight?
We met in college (my freshmen year and Cris was in his junior year). We met through mutual friends and social club that we both joined. I didn’t have a great impression of Cris–I thought he was a jerk although cute. But then after the social club initiation was over, I got to know Cris better and started to like him more and more.

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Bride Getting Ready Portraits at Callanwolde

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What attracted you most to each other? How long before you started dating? Where was your first date? Were you nervous?
Cris’s eyes and smiles attracted me to him. And I loved his leadership skills–how he stood out amongst our group of friends. We were friends for about a year and a half before we started dating. I went up to him my sophomore year (end of 1st semester) and told him that I liked him. I made the first move because I was tired of waiting for him to make a move. 🙂 Our first date was at a shopping mall–Stonecrest mall–and a restaurant called Arizona’s. I was SOOOOO nervous. I am a HUGE foodie and love to eat and I couldn’t eat a BITE at dinner. Cris was like “are you ok? what is wrong with you?” He thought I was being a snob with the food.

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Bride & Groom Portraits at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center

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What made this person different from anyone else you’d ever encountered? Were you nervous about one another meeting your family? Why? Who said I love you first? How did you feel after these words were said?

I didn’t have to put up a front with him from the first day. I think that’s what made my relationship with him different. I could be honest–make lame jokes with each other and laugh our butts off until we cry. To this day, we can argue about something but then a few minutes later, be laughing with each other about anything.

I met Cris’s parents unexpectedly after winter break. Cris picked me up from the airport and told me on the spot that we were heading to his parent’s home to meet them. I was flabbergasted–I was nervous for 30 minutes until I met his parents. His parents are the SWEETEST. After a year, I invited him to my parents’ house during Christmas break. I don’t know if he was too nervous or not because he didn’t look it. I wasn’t too nervous about him meeting my parents and brothers. I knew they would like him immediately as I did.

Hmm. If my memory serves me right, I believe Cris said I love you first. I was kind of floored after he said the words. He was really the first guy that floored me with the phrase “I love you.” It was such a warm feeling of pure happiness (lame I KNOW. Don’t gag at this)

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Callanwolde Stained Glass Window Staircase

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Callanwolde Atrium Reception Room Decor

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Wedding Ceremony at Callanwolde under the Big Oak Tree

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When did you know this person was the one? Was it a slow realization that crept up on you, or did it hit you like a bus? How did you feel when you had that “this is it” moment? 
I think I knew when I saw him interacting with my family and his family. It was the way he would treat them-respond and interact. Family is very important to me and seeing how he respects everyone was very meaningful to me. When I experienced the “this is it” moment, the first thought in my head was “oh shit. this is real now.”

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How/ when did the engagement happen? Did everything go as planned? Who was the first person you told about your engagement? Leading up to and when the question was asked, were there butterflies? Was there any suspicion?

This was when I was working and living in NYC and Cris was working for LL Bean in Portland, Maine. My birthday is on May 21 so Cris invited me up to Portland to celebrate my birthday weekend (Memorial Day wknd). So I flew up Thursday May 22nd evening after work.
The next morning (Friday May 23rd) was the day that he proposed. We woke up and got ready. We went to a breakfast place and had a good time. We came back to the apartment and I was just hanging out and Cris was getting ready. He told me that he was taking me to a really good lunch place where we had reservations. We were going to Fort Williams Park first and then going to the restaurant. I asked him if we could bring Cooper since we were going to the park–and we could leave him in the car since it was a cool, cloudy day. He said no. (My feelings were a tiny bit hurt by this.) Once Cris said no and then asked me which type of shirt he should wear so that he could steam it, I began to get suspicious–but still had no clue about the proposal. (continued below)

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Afterwards, we went to the Fort Williams Park and then he lead me to a trail and a cliff area–that oversaw the harbour. It’s a really pretty sight. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a guy sitting on a bench wearing a really familiar looking green jacket. I thought it was weird that someone was just sitting there in a not-so-nice weather. Hardly anyone was around the park because of the weather (and it was Friday too). (continued below)

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Anyway, I turned my back to the guy and Cris and looked out to the harbour. As soon as I turned around, Cris was standing in front of me and had his hands in his pockets. When he started with “Soooooooo…..” And that’s when I knew for sure and my mind went blank. “Sooo, we have been together for a really long time now and I love you. And I appreciate everything that you do for me so I was wondering if you would do me the honor of becoming my wife.” And he dropped down to one knee and my hands went up to my mouth in shock/joy/excitement. During this whole time, the guy in green jacket was our friend, Aaron, and he was taking photos the entire time Cris was talking. I immediately said yes and we kissed. I started crying and Aaron came running up to us congratulating us and taking more photos. That’s when I pointed out to Cris that I saw a familiar jacket sitting in the cold and thought that was super weird. We laughed and took a few more photos. Aaron left after taking a few more photos and then Cris and I headed to this food truck that specializes in lobster rolls. We shared one together before I started calling my parents/friends. We decided to head back to the apartment so that I can reach out to people. But the weird thing was that no one was picking up my phone calls! I called my parents; no response. Cris’s parents; no response. Ivory (my best friend and maid of honor); no response. I texted my friend, Jun, who responded back quickly. He was the first one congratulating me. I was a little upset that no one from our families were picking up the phone calls. I decided to call everyone back later. (continued below)

Bride & Groom Portraits Outdoors at Sunset

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We came back to the apartment and hung out/celebrating with Cooper. Around 3:30pm or 4pm (can’t remember for sure), Cris told me to bundle up so that we can go to a restaurant for dinner. I thought it was weird again that we were going to an early dinner. We walked to the old historical area and walked to a port area. I knew there was no restaurant near the port and asked him where we were going. He told me that he white-lied to me and that we were going on a boat. There was this historical/old sailboat tied to the dock but with no one on board. We just walked up to the sailboat and there were 3 men on the boat. There was the captain and two deck mates. The captain welcomed Cris and I and told us that there was no one on board yet. In the meantime, head downstairs to check out the boat as it is 100 years old and is warmer downstairs. Oh and when heading down the 6 step ladder, the captain told us to walk down backwards as the steps were wet and slippery. I went down first and turned to my left and saw a mini-kitchen. It was super cute. And then when I turned some more to my left, the first thing I heard was a roar of “SURPRISE. CONGRATULATIONS!” My mother-in-law, Susan, ran and hugged me first. I was in shock and disbelief that my entire family was down below deck. As soon as I saw my mom, I started crying. Can’t tell you the reason why but I did. I cried a lot that day. Make up was a hot mess. Anyway, my entire family–mom, dad, Jonathan, Nathan, grandma, and cousin from Korea; Cris’s family-mom, dad, brother: Carl; oh and Aaron was there taking pictures yet again. Aaron’s girlfriend, Jaime, was also there to surprise us. This was when I learned the truth about my grandma traveling to the US early that month. My grandma lives in Korea full time and decided to travel to the US for Jonathan’s college graduation. I was told that this was the main reason and I totally ate it. I had no clue that she had traveled to the US for my engagement to Cris. Cris had planned all of this with my family way before time and had requested for my grandma to come because he knew I wanted my grandma to be a part of it somehow. Of course, this led to more tears. Anyway, we all went back up and sailed around the harbor for 1-2 hours. Cris had chartered the sailboat privately so that the entire families could celebrate together. We celebrated for the entire Memorial day weekend. It was amazing.

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Last Questions!
What’s the one thing about each other you couldn’t live without?
His humor

Callanwolde Wedding Reception in the Ballroom

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Atlanta Wedding Photographers: Jaimie Dee Photography with Jaimie Dee, Calvin Cummings, & Kyle Holmes
Wedding Planning: Kecia Wilson with 3 Little Birds Weddings
Ceremony & Reception Venue: Caitlin King with Callanwolde Fine Arts Center
Band: Cindy Medus & Contagious
Dress Boutique: Demetrios at Macy’s Herald Square
Florist: Kerry Keisler
Catering: Saffold Smith with Affairs to Remember
Makeup Artist: Grace Sim
Hair Stylist: Sacha & Tymeka with Beauty Blend Group

The Tisinger House Wedding Pictures | Atlanta Wedding Photography

The Tisinger House Wedding Pictures | Atlanta Wedding Photography

The Tisinger House Wedding Pictures | Atlanta Wedding Photography


Had a blast shooting with Courtney & Grant this spring!  The Tisinger House wedding pictures turned out BEAUTIFULLY.  If you’re looking for Carrolton wedding venues, check this place out.  The first part of the images below were of the guys getting ready at the best man’s house, the second part with the girls getting ready were at the Tisinger House.  Such a gorgeous day, we couldn’t have asked for better weather – Atlanta wedding photography at it’s best.  Part one of the preview at the first two locations is below, while part two at The Barn at Buffalo Creek wedding pictures can be found here!  We have also included a sweet little interview with the bride and groom woven throughout the images below.


Atlanta Wedding Photographer: Jaimie Dee Photography with Jaimie Dee & Zach Edmonds
Wedding Planner: Weddings For You
Officiant: Melissa Greene
Band: The Atlanta Wedding Band
Dress: Anya Bridal
Tux: The Squire Shop
Florist: A Delicate Petal
Catering: Debra Gibbs
Cake: David Kyles, Personal Chef
Makeup & Hair: Indulge Salon
Menswear Designer: Alexa Younger



How did the two of you meet? What were your first impressions? Was it love at first sight?
Grant and I were partnered together in a doubles tennis tournament. First impressions were his hilarious grunt (which is his nicckname) and competitiveness. Love at first sight for sure.


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Our first date was to Taco Mac for pint night. It became our Thursday night tradition for years to come!!


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Grant is one of a kind. He is so lovable, quite sensitive, and a fixer. Whether it be something physical or a life problem, he puts his 100% into helping fix things and make it right. His drive and determination blow me away every time. I told him that I loved him the summer of 2011 while night swimming. One of our fondest memories. His mom was actually my high school teacher and second mother before I even knew him!! There were no nerves! It was meant to be!





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Part two at the Barn at Buffalo Creek can be found here.



Montaluce Wedding Photography Atlanta Wedding Photographer

Montaluce Wedding Photography Atlanta Wedding Photographer

Montaluce Wedding Photography Atlanta Wedding Photographer


We had an absolute blast last weekend at Fibia & Rob’s wedding!  These Montaluce Wedding Photography images were SO much fun to shoot!  There wasn’t a bad angle anywhere for any Atlanta wedding photographer to shoot.  For a wedding on Friday the 13th, this Monatluce Winery wedding was PERFECT in every way.  Below are a couple of preview from this gorgeous Georgia vineyard wedding!


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Montaluce Winery Wedding Georgia Vendors

Atlanta Wedding Photography: Jaimie Dee Photography with Jaimie Dee & Calvin Cummings
Venue, Catering, & Wedding Planner: Jessie Caudill with Monatluce Winery
Officiant: Jason Young
Videographer: Naty Lupei
DJ: DJ Paine
Dress: Bridals by Lori
Tux: SuitSupply
Cake: Brazilian Bakery Cafe
Makeup: Makeup by JChang
Hair: Devy Barnes


Montaluce-Wedding-Photography-Atlanta-Wedding-Photographer Montaluce-Wedding-Photography-Atlanta-Wedding-Photographer Montaluce-Wedding-Photography-Atlanta-Wedding-Photographer


north georgia wedding venues photography

If you’re currently looking through North Georgia wedding venues, definitely check out Monatluce!  The grounds are pristine, beautiful & romantic.  As Atlanta wedding photographers, we had a blast – there are so many phenomenal places for photography here!




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Dahlonega Georgia Wedding / Georgia Vineyard Wedding

If you’re looking for Dahlonega Georgia wedding photography, Monatluce offers an amazing backdrop for your wedding ceremony and reception!


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