French Quarter Engagement Photos

French Quarter Engagement Photos

French Quarter Engagement Photos

A couple weeks ago, we had the honor of flying out to New Orleans for some awesome French Quarter engagement photos with Susan & Phil!  Below is an interview with the bride and groom to be as well as some highlights from the day.
How did the two of you meet? What were your first impressions? Was it love at first sight?
We met through a mutual friend at work in the cafeteria on a Friday. We sat and had lunch together, and then decided to go out on the town with a bunch of friends. We both thought the other was cute, but love came from getting to know one another better over the next several weeks.

french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos

What attracted you most to each other? How long before you started dating? Where was your first date? Were you nervous?
We gradually fell in to a relationship as we were getting to know each other after first meeting. We called it official about 1.5 months after the first time we met, after several weeks of spending most of our free times together after work and on weekends when we were both in town. We still can’t tell you where our actual “first date” was though.

french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos

What made this person different from anyone else you’d ever encountered? Were you nervous about one another meeting your family? Why? Who said I love you first? How did you feel after these words were said?

Bride: Phil is very different from anyone I have encountered. He’s intelligent, kind, thoughtful, is extremely neat and clean, and most importantly is an amazing chef. He takes such wonderful care of me and is willing to drop everything without a moments hesitation if I really need him. He even does little things to show how much he cares like washing and waxing my car when I’m out of town! I was the one to say I love you first. It was an accident and I was slightly intoxicated, but I meant it and I was more than happy to wait until he was ready to say it back because I was determined to spend the rest of my life with such an amazing man.

Groom: Susan is my kind of unique. She is not like most girls that like to get all dolled up and fancy every time they walk out of their bedroom. She doesn’t do anything that I would have stereotypically expected from a female. She is extremely down to earth, silly, funny, and comfortable wearing what makes her comfortable. Those qualities make her shine in a special light to me. I was never nervous to introduce her to my family, I was excited! I knew they would love her! While I wasn’t the first to blurt out “I love you”, I may well have been the first to FEEL like saying it. I played hard to get with my emotions at first. When I finally let my guard down and told her “I love you” for the first time at the Spanish Plaza fountain in New Orleans, it opened up a new feeling in our relationship and I have never been happier!

french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos

When did you know this person was the one? Was it a slow realization that crept up on you, or did it hit you like a bus? How did you feel when you had that “this is it” moment?

Bride: I think I knew a lot sooner than Phil did. Even when we had only known each other for a couple of months, it felt like he was my best friend and I could talk to him about anything.

Groom: I always had a great feeling about Susan since that time I said I love you. It had to be then that I realized this was it. Of course, I took a full year from that day to be completely sure, and then I popped the question!

french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos

How/ when did the engagement happen? Did everything go as planned? Who was the first person you told about your engagement? Leading up to and when the question was asked, were there butterflies? Was there any suspicion?
Well the first person to know it was coming was Susan’s mother. With Susan’s father having passed away about 2 years ago, her mother was the one I went to for permission. At least that was my plan. She basically headed me off at the pass when I took her out for dinner on her birthday and coaxed it out of me. I was only planning to take her to a nice dinner on her birthday, but she thought I had an ulterior motive. Anyway, the first person I told after that was my best friend and roommate (same person). He helped me devise a plan and gave advice on where to find a ring.

The engagement took place in exactly the same spot we were standing in Spanish Plaza by the fountain, exactly 1 year after I said I love you for the first time. She thought we were going to New Orleans to attend a surprise birthday party for a fraternity brother of mine. We were supposed to meet up and check in to the hotel with another friend of mine prior to the party, Susan thought he had made the reservation. I had changed my mom’s cell number in my phone to his name, and had her text me that he hit traffic and would be running late. So when we got to New Orleans early with nowhere to go, I said we should take a walk down the lakefront. Susan was not happy with me because it was slightly colder than I expected, had forced her to wear a nice dress instead of something casual, and pair that with some not so comfortable heels. The last thing she wanted to do was walk outside, but she did it because I wanted to. I brought her to the fountain, positioned her right where we were standing and reminded her that it was exactly a year ago when we were there before. She swears she had no idea what was coming, because there’s no way I’d go through all the trouble of doing that before my friend’s party. I told her that I couldn’t live without her and got down on one knee, SHAKING, and barely muttered the words “Will you marry me?” as I was fighting off the urge to burst in to tears. She lit up, and made me the happiest man in the world when she said yes.

Of course, the first person she called was her mom too!

french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos

Last Questions!  What’s the one thing about each other you couldn’t live without?
You can’t make us pick one thing! That’s unfair!

french quarter engagement photos
french quarter engagement photos